The Hawkhurst Baptist Church
Coronavirus Response Strategy
It has been great to join together for worship in the Church building since our Sunday morning services restarted on May 23rd 2021. We welcome all to join us at 10:30am on a Sunday morning.
Please ensure that you read through this document before coming to the service.
Although we are still restricted in some aspects, we pray that you will be blessed by the time you spend with us.
What we are doing to keep you safe
We have a one-way system in operation for those entering and exiting the Church.
Ventilation will be maintained at all times by keeping windows and doors open.
The Church Sanctuary will not be used for a minimum of 72 hours before each service.
In the foyer between the side door and the hall, door handles and surfaces will be washed with soapy water and then sprayed with disinfectant.
The floor of the hall and toilet will be washed with disinfectant.
The toilet and surfaces, including wash basins will be washed with soapy water and disinfectant.
We will be using separate colour coded mops for each area to be cleaned, with disposable mop heads.
All cleaning equipment will be safely disposed of after use.
What we ask you to do on the day
Arriving at the Church
Please turn up in good time to be seated by 10:30am.
The offering basket will on the organ, so you will be able to place any donations into it after the service.
The service will take place in the Church Sanctuary.
Face masks are optional.
Entrance will be via the front of the Church and once the service is over, we will ask you to leave by the front door, following a one-way system.
If mobility difficulties mean that entrance through the front door is difficult for you, then you will be allowed to enter through the fire doors at the back of the Church hall.
Hand sanitiser stations will be provided for use on entrance and exit from the building, with a poster which gives instructions on use.
We ask you to please bring your own Bibles and bottles of water as neither will be available from the Church.
Sunday April 17th 2022