Our aim is to be a family of God’s people, committed to Christ, to one another and to the service of God in the world – Bible based in our teaching, empowered by the Holy Spirit and reaching out to others in Hawkhurst and beyond with the life changing message of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the ‘Priesthood of all believers’ which means believing that all Christians are equal before God and that all are equally called to serve God in the local church.
We believe in ‘Believers Baptism’, claiming on the basis of the New Testament that Baptism is only for those who are able to declare that ‘Jesus is Lord’, as a symbol of Jesus’ claim on their lives. This Baptism (by immersion) symbolises the candidate’s desire to ‘die to self’ and live for Christ.
Our church places a high value on Worship, the Bible, on Prayer, the Fellowship and Discipleship of God’s gifts given to his people.
We take seriously God’s command to ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel’ and are keen to pray for and support mission and missionary organisations both in this country and abroad.
As Christians, we believe that each person is made in the image of God and everyone is precious and valued in the sight of God. There is no place in the Christian Church for racism and as Christians we stand in solidarity with any who feel racially oppressed.
The video below from Saddleback Church in America explains what Jesus did for us by taking a look at the festival of Easter.