What to expect?
Our morning service is at 10:30am and is open to everyone. We start off with a brief introduction to the mornings sermon, then singing various hymns. After about 20 minutes the children go into the church hall for their own activities. Details of the Children and Youth activities can be found on the ‘Children & Youths’ tab to the right. The service includes singing, prayers and a sermon based on passages from the Bible and real life examples that reflect on and give witness to the overall sermon. An offering is taken which goes to supporting the church and various missions locally and around the world. Visitors are not expected to give money unless they wish to do so.
When the service is finished, many people go through to the church hall to join others for a coffee or tea and catch up with each other over a chat.
The evening service at 6:30pm is less formal and a bit more personal as it is a smaller group that gather compared to the morning service. This service is open to everyone and includes songs, prayers and a different message to that of the morning service.
Communion is held on the third Sunday morning of every month and the first Sunday evening of every month. Communion is for sincere believers and genuine seekers in Christ, whereby bread and wine are blessed and distributed during the communion service.